270.April 6

Brindisi, Italy

This morning, we woke in Brindisi, and spent the morning looking around for Becca. After a long time, she found us looking at a map of Greece on a store-front. We got in at 08:22. Becca arrived at 10:20. Brindisi was worthless, but we had to sit there a long long time until 22:00 hours. Then we will leave. We've sung "American Pie" many times today. We bought beer, wine, fruit, bread and cheese for our long boat trip. While waiting for the ferry to leave, in the waiting room, when we were to board, we ate the bread and cheese and drank the beer.

After boarding, we found the deck to be a lot nicer than we had expected. There were plastic benches facing each other where Becca and I each slept. Lars slept on the floor in between us. We talked to some people while we drank two bottles of red wine before the ferry even started. First was Tom "Heathcliff" "Spoon-Man", who needed money for the bathroom in the waiting room before we got on the ferry, so I asked him to wash our sticky spoons for us. He was right out of Wuthering Heights, but studied philosophy near Brussels, and was from North Carolina. Then we met Arielle (Seattle) and Celeste (Boston, originally Argentina), who saw Lars and me in Florence and on the train to Brindisi. Then we went to sleep, despite the rough weather, the thunder (only on shore) and the uncomfortable place to sleep. Overall, the night was rough, but enjoyable.


We stayed at Chris's house again, as it is a LOST night. I finished my analysis of the KISS ME KATE script, finding where each of the Shakespearian lines were taken from "Taming of the Shrew."