133.August 21

London, UK


Sherlock Holmes pub near the Nelson column, closest tube station is probably Charring cross I’ll go back to Malcolm’s flat via Piccadilly. 19:45 date with Sweeney Todd, as I just mentioned so I thought I would cloud my brain with vile spirit. This time, I am drinking London Pride. I have just had a John Bull Bitter. That was the old temple, and then back here to somewhat near the theater: Trafalgar Studios, to which I’ve never been before.

Today I saw Iphigenia, which was wonderful, when I arrived late thinking that both of my plays starting at 45 minutes passed the hour. I was forced to sit way up house right where they put people who come late, the bad people. They used the space completely. I’m glad I didn’t sit very close, but it was beautifully staged an acted.

Besides that, the afternoon was simply filled by walking and drinking that pint of John Bull and reading, a very uneventful tonight. After the play, I must go to the Internet café, to check if Lars has found a cheap flight for me on Monday or Tuesday. Otherwise, I’m thinking of a train to Paris or some such place and meeting Lars in Frankfurt. I am excited about this show here, as I stopped earlier outside of the pub where it was supposed to have happened. Oh, the excitement of it all.


I left work early to pick up Katie and bring her to Spring Grove to hang out at John's house with Jill for a few hours. I had dinner with them, and then went home to help Rachel clean the house for next week. We sorted clothes by season and washed and hung what we could. We both felt a little under the weather, so we went to bed.