346.January 20
University of Nottingham
I turned in my Chaucer Project at noon. John, Tasha, Corrina and I went to the Buttery for a production meeting at 13:00. John bought me a Jameson on ice (my first). We got very little done, except for the women bickering over their roles, proving that they were all probably perfect for many of the female leads. I had lost my voice, and could hardly speak, which might have led to a feeling of being overpowered. It turned out the reverse, because I couldn't speak, I didn't feel like I had to take control of anything.
Thanks for coming to see the "Tenor". It was soooo much fun. I nearly forgot to breathe. Now I'm sick. Oh well, I've got some time to recoup before summer "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" I'd like to be in the show, but am considering myself the last resort for directing, though I don't want to be considered that in any field.
It seems every man in town will be the last resort for cast members. I'll keep you posted.
We went to work out soon after we got home. I was really inspired to keep pace as I read a list of all the martyr's to the Christian church who suffered early deaths. I gave my legs a good workout, but my arms were holding the book most of the time. I made linguini and a red sauce with broccoli and cauliflower for dinner, we opened a bottle of our red zinnfandel from the Napa Valley winery "Storybook" that we toured this summer and sent a case back. This was our second bottle used yet. We watched the movie "Syriana" and had a wonderful evening together. Then Rachel described to me the many reasons why natural gas fueled electricity is so much better than coal. I find it useful to agree, though I think she might be right.