164.July 21
Rachel finished writing invitations tonight, we made a pizza and watched two movies to end the evening.
Closing night of Seussical. We had a total of 1333 people, or something like. Our foods went over really well, and we had very little left at the end. We took in almost $17,000 over the weekend. Our cleanup took less time than ever before, and we were out of there by 02:00 in the morning. The show was wonderful, all nights. I was really proud of Rachel and all the actors.
Rachel and Lynn went on a long drive, first to Hokah for the Free Range Exchange restaurant and Hokah hardware. The had excellent quiche and then went on to the Root River on the way to Brownsville, Saxon hall for a bloody and a beer. New Albin down the river to purchase meat at the market. We met at the old house and made steak fajitas with amazing guacamole. We did a reading of "Dancing at Lughnasa" with the Yooh board online, but since we were outside, and so were Scott and Jen, we went to their porch and read Act One.