222.May 24

We have a small group of poker playing friends gathering nearly every two weeks for a few hours of poker and beverages. We feel like we have all evened out on the money and conversation, so we wanted to expand our poker friends to include you or people who live with you that you want to get out of the house for a few hours.  Tonight we are at my house, starting at 8pm.

"Tax-free Losing" Low stakes cards event: "Follow the Queen's" is the favorite game of our favorite dealer, Abrian the Libr.

A fiver is all it takes to get in the game, and all you could possibly lose. Cheaters will be drinkers.


Jefferson City, MO

We spent the day driving to Jefferson City, MO and then had BBQ with Rachel's birth Mom at her home. On the way, we stopped in Cedar Rapids at the Czech Village.