
rustling saloonsfor piano duelsinspired loonsor drunken fools
the five spot is deadtrading shots or redsaiming hips and headuphill for several beds
in the mist of evening, Pinot Grisbourbon, gin, varietalssuited to climb, closelyembracing their vitals
step into bramblesbranching cliff's edgeswhere sandals trip nimbly past hedges
ascending the cathedraloverlooking Missourithe moon is fullthe bridge lights blurry
drunk to the dregsour glasses leave marksspattering bare legs curved behind knees to arches
a slap makes eyes glistenthe group becomes fewnearby canines listenand dogfights ensue
constricting silver masksaccidentally pour oathsfrom overflowing flasksfingering crystal notes
as a murmuring chickensleeps closely askewgnats sip Chambourcinthinned by the dew
ascending the shadowless mounds of virgins et al.clinging to hopes they're climbingheights of a summer, not fall.