330.February 5

Nottingham, UK

It is Lisa's Birthday today. Everyone in the flat except Karl went bowling at the Super Bowl at Macy's II. We had a great time doing something that is a bit out of the ordinary for the brits. Tonight, Becca, Liz, Stacey, and I went to Muchachas Mexican Restaurant. It was really fun, and we ate well. Now we are watching the Commitments.


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 17:46:47 -0600

Subject: Grand Canyon on the verge of a snowfall...

Here is the first installment of pictures from the west, this, the grand canyon. Doesn't look that big, you say? Well there is more where that came from. This is just a small part of my masterphoto. It is actually the size of Rhode Island. I took mostly 35mm films, or what we used to call negatives, so those photos will being coming at a later date, or at least one good one. I do think one roll was destroyed, note to all, don't put any film in checked luggage, now they assure you it will be destroyed. I'll develop it nonetheless. Arizona is really nice, except when it snows. Slept on a beach last night all by my lonesome. I have a cold now, woke to a frozen water bottle, and coyotes making those crazy coyote sounds. Slept on a beach last night all by my lonesome.


Rachel and I stayed home to plan the purchase of a theatre, and tomorrow we go to the auction to bid on it. We ended the day with two movies..."The Great Buck Howard" and "Ladron Que Roba a Ladron." Both were excellent.