195.June 20

Munster, Germany

After another day of roaming, we ate dinner at Eva Hensel's, the mother of all Luther students that set foot in Munster. The dinner was very fun. I ate lots. Steffi came. We sang happy birthday to Eva's landlord with Craig on French horn. Then, after we sat down to eat, there came a ring on the doorbell. The landlord and wife came to say thank-you for the birthday song with a bottle of Contreau, a very strong French liquor and elegant crystal glasses. I had it before in a mixed drink in Amsterdam. Then we ate a cold dinner. Eva kept filling my plate.

A neighbor stopped by to tell stories. He asked us over for coffee to his mansion next door. He golfs in his backyard. He is from Bavaria, but has lived in Munster for thirty-five years. He said he was a bomber pilot in WWII, assigned to blow up Tower Bridge in London. We played golf, drank port, snuffed tobacco, looked at his collection of Antique typewriters, his one-hundred-twenty-year-old phonograph player (metal disc, like a music box or old player piano). We talked about wars. Near midnight we left. Eva leant me her bike for the week.


Rachel went to Norskedalen to volunteer for their summer festival as a Father's Day present to Lee. I mowed the lawn, cleaned, did my work for Deco from home, and went to the barn to build set. I also worked on the BMW K75, still not figuring out where I should mount the horn with the lower fairing, so I took off the fairing again and drove it down the the church on Division street about 10 miles out and then to my parents after filling up the tank with premium gas. If anyone knows where to mount a horn with a lower fairing in place, please contact me. Rachel met me at the barn, and we came home for dinner, where we made a pizza with a crust and watched "Mad Men". We went back to the barn and built a table for the show until midnight.