205.June 10

Cork, Ireland

I made myself a monstrous breakfast- four egg omelet, muesli yogurt and orange juice. Yum. Then I prepared my bike and headed for Kenmare. I stopped in Kealkill for water, and to phone home. I talked to father. I stopped in a cemetery afterwards. Oh, but first I went to Kealkill's The Brown Pub, where they were playing Jimi Hendrix. I had their special grill- very big. I couldn't finish the chips- another case where I wish I was traveling with someone. I went on to Bantry, all the way was downhill. I wandered around the shops and the roads in the market area. I had one last pint of Guinness in the Anchor Tavern.

The Anchor Tavern had many harpoons and model ships. It had a rescue buoy from the Lusitania. I had a pint of Guinness there, which I did not finish, too heavy for a biker. Then I walked past a wool shop, and stopped in to check out the hats. I didn't like the fit on me. Maybe it will when I go bald. Then I caught the Bus Eireann, and stuck my bike underneath for the ride to Cork.

I was happy to turn the bike back in to the Cork City Independent Hostel. Then I checked in for one more night, and left for a walk about the town. I looked up all the Delaney's in Cork in the phone book, which was about thirty different names, and wrote down their numbers. I tried one, getting a daughter, who told me to go to the Phoenix pub later and I might meet her. I went to see if I could find it early, but couldn't. I found the Beamish Brewery though. I found the oldest pub in Ireland, dating at least to sixteen-eighty-four, called the Gate Tavern, right outside the castle wall gate. I continued to walk, not finding the Phoenix, but instead stopped in the Opera House for a look.

A show called Brothers of the Brush from Dublin was playing there, so I went to it. It was good, but I missed some of the language in such strong Irish brogue.

I found my way to the Phoenix afterwards. I did not find any Delaney's, or she did not find me, but I did meet a murderer who was released on parole from the "nick" in Bristol two months ago for killing the man that killed his brother. He tried to sell me guns when he thought I might need some. He mostly complained that Irish people could not get citizenship in America or Australia. He told me about his fine wife who had a miscarriage just recently. He was really drunk, and kept on speaking into my ear, and my hair. When I left, we shook hands, as we had done so many times before. I called mom and Rhonda to tell them as I walked home, to scare them more. At the hostel, I made pasta and ate. I talked to a Paris man for a bit about traveling and friendliness of different peoples. A young Dublin born Cork woman begged food from us. We gave her tons. Now here I am still. Goodnight Corkers.


Dublin, Ireland

An Oige Hostel. Check in. then we left everything in the room and walked the town. We cooked dinner. Red sauce over spaghetti. Cheese and bread. Good enough. Then the pub tour which we captured on tape. Heard some live music over way too expensive pints of Caffrey's Irish Ale. We took tours that next day, with a few stops for food. 

We were walking down O'Connell Street and the lights were kinda low .

The night had just gone darker .and the rain had turned to snow .

Sam took out his pop gun .and the bullets started flying 

The people sitting in the pub .were keelin' over dying 

I said to Sam, give them a break .what did they do to you

 Sam said "Come on back to jail with me .that's what their taxes do. 

They locked me up for four years These Dublin born elitists .

So I'll send them down to heaven .where they will not be mistreated

 That's what they deserve my friend .Thats what they deserve .

I would not give them any less .than they deserve my Irish friend." 

David thought about it hard along the Liffey 

That class was more than money he thought it was a pity. 

If only men could overcome the shackles of the past. 

To overcome that dread monster is an enormous task. 

But leading them are martyrs who fought hard and died. 

We shant forget their valliance, we'll carry on their pride. 

Soon we will conquer the great grim walls of Kilmainham gaol, 

and in our songs our children will know how we prevailed 

Our fight will last until we have equity world wide .

and we have to yearn for justice or pay for liberty 

instead of gain, petitions, psalm will be our litany 

We won't put down our rifles, or shoot away our dreams,

for republics of the working class, economic equity.


Rachel made me strawberry crepes for breakfast, and we took coffee along on our ride to Decorah, where she was going to do shopping and run financial errands for herself. I went out to lunch at Chris's house with Dad and Chris. My little buddy Katie showed up before we left, with my best man and Rhonda after their Bible School classes, which Katie attends and the others teach. I rode home with father and Rachel picked me up when she dropped off strawberries for my parents. We both discovered Sake, not dead. All the cats outside my parents house seem to love each other now.

We had rehearsal for Kiss Me Kate. Anna gave us a lot of new choreography, we nailed down a few more songs, and I worked with Lindsay, Mark and Abe on the stylized aspects of our musical. We ended with "Too Darn Hot", and by the end, they were smokin' hot.


Oban, Scotland

We had to wake very early and begin driving at Dawn to reach Nottingham in time. We stopped along the way at some lovely lakes, castles houses, and whatever we saw, but we were in a rush. We stopped in Glasgow for breakfast, as we were passing at about that time. I decided that the neighborhood we were in was worth the time, and took us on a walk through the Glasgow Kelvingrove park, ending at the Glasgow Museum. I believe I made the right choice, but it was sacrificing getting to tour around Nottingham University area as much as I would have liked. I dropped off the car closer at a parking lot, and then at the end of our two hour tour of the beautiful park, I ran and got it and picked them up, which was a bit trying for me to coordinate with them, but worth it. 

We stopped at one gas station with many tour buses and food options, and it was a bit scary with all the people. This was some of our fastest and busiest driving of the trip, and it was tiring.

After the ultra long drive to Nottingham, or rather, Beeston, where we got freshened up, got a beer at the canal side pub, and took an uber to Theatre Royal to buy tickets. We picked 

Stay at Beeston apt hosted by Cailee

June 10 – 11, 2023

Though I had many other things that I would have loved to show my friends about Nottingham, we really didn't have enough time to explore anything except my favorite bars after the play "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gamon at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham. I should have striven to get here sooner to show off how cool the town was. I just became overwhelmed, I guess. We went to The Bell Inn, The Salutation, and tried to get into Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, but it was getting late and places were closing. We had taken a taxi into town, and took an Uber back to our place along the canal in Beeston and