202.June 13

Nottingham, UK

I got my stitches out at 10:40, and it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Then I got lunch at the University Cafe. I went to the train station and booked a train for tomorrow to Germany. Then I went to the flat to clean and organize the bathroom. I went shopping when John came home with his guest. I went to "Four Weddings and a Funeral" in the afternoon. It was so good. I did nothing that night, except for typing in my journal.


Lanesboro, MN

We are going to Picasso at the Lapin Agile today at 13:30, and after that, the radio show. I'm going to try to build as much of the set in the free time as possible. Mostly I'll be cutting boards and assembling standard size platforms to build our set out of.

We got everything cut for the platforms, but only assembled the frame of one before we had to leave for the show. We met a large Spring Grove faction at "Picasso at the Lapin Agile", and then Mark, Sarah, Jake, Megan, Rachel and I went out for drinks and a pizza at the Riverside restaurant. Then to the Old Bell Inn for an incredible dinner of Blue Nose Sea Bass from Hawaii and flour-less chocolate tort. The cast had 5:30 sound check, and returned after that until around 18:45. They did a fabulous job, and we went out for ice cream after. When Rachel and I got home, I had to spend 3 hours working online at Deco.


London, UK

Globe Theatre

Tuesday, June 13, 2023⋅2:45 – 4:15pm

Midsummer Nights Dream