Kernal Knowledge
The sleek and supple
knees of summer's
sweet corn sellers
bending sweaty
over tailgates
of the country's
red chevy's.
Sunburnt and delicate
naked ears
and aromatic
wind tossled blondes
the thin tie-
lines of spaghetti tops
glistening deliciously
in the sun.
The fragrant ladies
selling sweet corn
by highways
in the heat
Two Succulent
fleshy ears
hanging in their hands
and their thigh-backs
by sunbaked steel.
I fill both tanks
on my F-truck glowering, do I
have cash enough
for a few seconds
of her endless summer
lying half baked
on a fuzzy pile
of dismembered ears?
I take them for dinner
boiled with saltwater
and spitting them onto
the grill until browned
like the sellers thighs
seated on that hot corrugated tail
after I paid for her ears
on pocket change.
She accepted the cigarette
I offered, "but for later,"
as she was "so close to the gas pump..."
she "...could grab the handle".
Driving away, her two ears
lying beside me on the seat,
running that conversation over
in my reptile brain
I had already devoured them
in my mind, and there were
many more, parked along the roadsides
and I stopped at each one
picked up a dozen more
giving out a whole pack
of Lucky's
some to girls too young to drive.
I regret that none of them smoked
with me, but their cobs did,
when I placed them in the fire.